
Our Blog

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3 Dangers of Summer Heat for the Elderly

By |June 29, 2023|

Summer heat can significantly impact the health and wellbeing of the elderly population. As we age, our bodies become less efficient at regulating temperature, exacerbating the effects of extreme heat. The summer heat and humidity can cause a range of health problems [...]

4 Effects of Long Haul Covid on Seniors

By |June 26, 2023|

COVID-19 is a highly infectious disease that is caused by the novel coronavirus. Long haul COVID-19 refers to the symptoms that persist long after the initial infection has cleared. The virus has caused a global pandemic, and millions of people have been [...]

8 Fun Outdoor Activities for Seniors

By |June 22, 2023|

As we grow older, it becomes increasingly important to remain physically and mentally active to maintain our overall health and wellbeing. The benefits of outdoor activities are numerous. From hiking and gardening to birdwatching and camping, seniors can engage in a variety [...]

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