As of today’s world, you won’t find many individuals without a cell phone. Long gone are the days of pagers and telephone booths. Now, everyone carries around a way to communicate in their pocket. But, for the elderly generations, hopping on this new age of cellular devices may not only seem challenging, but daunting. Helping seniors decide upon the right cell phone plan for them can help in a number of ways. Get your aging loved one prepared for emergency situations and frequent communication with you and other family by helping him or her choose a cell phone plan!

Helping Seniors get Free Cell Phones and Plans through Government Assistance

Did you know that you or your aging loved one may qualify for a government assisted cell phone plan? There are a number of ways that seniors can sign up for fee cell phone plans. Some of these programs you or your loved one may even already be eligible for or enrolled into. Government assistance cell phone plans are offered through programs like:

  • Food stamp or SNAP programs
  • Federal Public Housing Assistance
  • Low Income Home Energy Assistance Plan
  • Medicaid
  • Section 8
  • Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
  • Temporary Assistance for Needy Families

If you are wondering whether you or a loved one qualifies to receive free cell phone assistance through government services, contact the services listed above. Each service can be reached through the internet. Government assistance is intended to help individuals who would otherwise not be able to afford daily necessities. And, since cellphones can help greatly in emergency situations for elders and many seniors can no longer work, government assistance is a great way to obtain them.

Other Options for Helping Seniors with Choosing Cellular Plans

If seniors are ineligible for government assistance to receive free cell phone plans, there are other inexpensive and easy options. Helping seniors choose cell phone plans depends on what they need the phone for, what they want it to do and how long they want a financial commitment. And, some carriers even offer specific plans meant to accommodate the needs of seniors. Some examples of options for senior phone plans include:

AT&T: This company offers a senior discount plan which is termed, “The AT&T Senior Nation Plan”. This plan is only $30 a month and offers 200 minutes per month. Minutes can be used for calls to other mobile devices, any time of the day and even long distance calls. But, this plan doesn’t include texts.

Verizon: One of the only companies to offer a senior cell plan for two phones, this company’s senior cell plan is called the “65 Plus Two Line Share”. This plan is $60 a month for 250 minutes that are shareable between the two devices. Although it’s a little more pricey, you get two lines for two seniors on the best cell phone service available in the United States. Verizon is known for their vast reception and best coverage which is why they have been awarded many titles as the nation’s best cell service provider.

Consumer Cellular: If you or your senior loved one are looking for a plan only to utilize in emergency situations, you may want to choose a cheaper option. Consumer Cellular offers a plan that’s only $10 a month and 25 cents a minute. This way, if the cell phone doesn’t get used, it’s only $10 a month. And, there are no cancellation fees or contracts.

Tracfone: Another cheap option with no commitment is the plan offered by Tracfone. It’s a 60-minute-a-month plan for only $10. Also, you can use almost any cell phone on the Tracfone network. So, if you have an old cell phone or already have bought a cell phone, it will work with Tracfone’s network.

Helping Seniors with Caregiver Services

Obviously, your senior loved one is more equipped for emergency situations with a cell phone. But, they may need more help. An in-home caregiver may not only be able to help your loved one with the selection and purchase of a cell phone, but also with an emergency situation. If you feel that it is time for you or a senior loved one to utilize the help of an in-home caregiver, CareGivers of America can provide you with a referral. Give us a call today at 561-771-5980.