If you’re thinking about being more active, you may want to consider following these starter tips to avoid injuries and stay on track:
- Stretch slowly and gently for ten minutes before any exercise session. This helps your muscles warm up and prevents injuries.
- Cool down after exercise sessions as well. Stretch slowly and gently for ten minutes to help your body relax back into its regular day.
- Enjoy exercising in a swimming pool. Water should be chest high to minimize joint impact and to help keep your balance.
- Never push for more when you’re starting. Doing too much, too soon or working out even if it hurts is a recipe for injuries that can set you back.
- Try the ‘talk test.’ If you can talk easily to another person while you’re working out, you’re exercising at a good intensity. If you’re having trouble talking, you’re doing too much – slow down!
- Stay hydrated and drink plenty of water. Even minimal exercise makes your body need more water, so keep some handy and sip it constantly.
Be sure to talk to your doctor before beginning any exercise program, and that goes double if you’re out of shape, have a health condition or aren’t sure where to start. Your doctor can tell you exactly what you need to know to stay safe and healthy.